Notice on how to submit a written consumer complaint
Based on article 10 Section 3 of the ‘Law on Consumer Protection’ („Narodne novine“, br. 41/14) we inform consumers that they can file a complaint in which they express their dissatisfaction with the service provided in writing at these business premises and will delays in writing to be acknowledged receipt of that objection. Complaints can also be filed by mail to the following addresses. We will respond to the consumer’s written complaint in writing no later than 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint, so please provide us with your contact address for delivery of the response.
Obavijest o načinu podnošenja pisanog prigovora potrošača
Sukladno čl. 10. st. 3. Zakona o zaštiti potrošača („Narodne novine“, br. 41/14) obavještavamo potrošače da prigovor kojim iznose svoje nezadovoljstvo u odnosu na pruženu uslugu mogu podnijeti u pisanom obliku i to u ovim poslovnim prostorijama te će im bez odgađanja pisanim putem biti potvrđen primitak tog prigovora. Prigovor se također može podnijeti putem e-pošte na sljedeću adresu.
Odgovor na pisani prigovor potrošača dat ćemo u pisanom obliku najkasnije 15 dana od dana primitka prigovora, pa stoga molimo da nam u svom prigovoru navedete Vašu kontakt adresu za dostavu odgovora.
+385 95 391 0097 , +385 99 197 7969
Company name:
Click 2 Shuttle d.o.o.
Podmeje5, Kaštel Gomilica, 21213, Croatia